Ripped APART

Ripped APART

This work is based on a rather hectic yet humdrum story of a small group of friends living in Toronto, all middle class and each in his or her own way caught up in increasingly tragic middle age crisis, which forms the baseline for the book from beginning to end.

The Refugee

Zoltán Böszörményi begins THE REFUGEE with his harrowing escape from the threat of imprisonment in an Eastern European dictatorship but devotes the bulk of the book to his equally adventurous detention in a Western European refugee camp, taking the reader beyond the TV news images to give an inside look into the everyday life of a community of desperate people facing uncertain future.
Pining away

Pining away

This book combines fiction and reporting beyond the usual definition of literary nonfiction by applying modern literary conceits to bringing to light a social issue typical of Eastern Europe where the story was researched and written in Hungarian by Zoltán Böszörményi, working in Romania.

Böszörményi Zoltán: Immer wenn ich meine Augen schließe – trailer

Roman Aus dem Ungarischen von Hans-Henning Paetzke Allein gelassen – das erschütternde Schicksal eines Mädchens Es ist ein schockierendes Phänomen in Mittel- und Osteuropa, dass die Kinder von Wanderarbeitern, die nach Westeuropa ziehen, in ihrer Heimat zurückgelassen werden. Sie wachsen bei ihren Großeltern auf oder bei Verwandten.