Books available for free download


The Conscience of Trees: Selected Poems

A collection of poems by Romanian-Hungarian poet and novelist, Zoltán Böszörményi. This poetry is quite current in approach and content but also reflects that special Eastern European angst that has accumulated in the collective consciousness of the region over its turbulent history. However, the alternation between free verse and formal style is entirely due to the fact that Hungarian language allows for an infinite variety of rhyme pairs and any form of meter, and much of contemporary…


The Refugee

Zoltán Böszörményi begins THE REFUGEE with his harrowing escape from the threat of imprisonment in an Eastern European dictatorship but devotes the bulk of the book to his equally adventurous detention in a Western European refugee camp, taking the reader beyond the TV news images to give an inside look into the everyday life of a community of desperate people facing uncertain future. The author unflinchingly describes what it is like living without legal status and civil rights in crowded,…