The Golden Tram

The Routes of “The Golden Tram”

The Poet, the Haven-Cemetery is the permanent beginning, Eliade’s l’eternal retour, the eternal Return, the symbolic Time-Snake biting its own tail, who is dragged down, nailed down, tied down by the stream of the present historical time-warp on the one hand, but on the other hand, in spite of his concrete timeliness and omnipresence, he represents the demiurge immediately following the Big Bang, the fertile-creative, extra-temporal Time-Outside-of-Time...

...this self-contradictory, paradoxical Tempus – the Paradigm  of Paradox – or in other words, the Example without example, the unmatched Paradise, Ex-Example, the Heroic Age of our Ancestors, the aged-ancient and therefore morphed into a diabolical figure, used up into the past, and Space-Time running parallel to our time, the Elysian Fields, the home of eternally rejuvenated existence-in-the-possible – incessantly pulls, attracts and mesmerizes.

 This is the kind of poet Zoltán Böszörményi is; the very title of the volume summarizes the dichotomy the poet senses traveling on the esoteric vehicle, the Celestial Fire-Wagon  of Logos and language alchemy when he’s faced with his own high-entropy, anarchic era, by the Böszörményi fog.

“The Golden Tram” is a magic vehicle that can take you back into the Age of Gold.

Francois Bréda in Irodalmi Jelen, 2004