
Zoltán Böszörményi: The Conscience of Trees  (A fák lelkiismerete)

Zoltán Böszörményi: The Conscience of Trees (A fák lelkiismerete)

you must appeal to the conscience of trees / their calm is the sign of confidence / that you’ve coveted for ages / even with a budding mind
Two Poems by Zoltán Böszörményi

Two Poems by Zoltán Böszörményi

Translations from the Hungarian By Paul Sohar  
The Club at Eddy's Bar by Zoltán Böszörményi -

The Club at Eddy's Bar by Zoltán Böszörményi -

Tamas is the link between the two divergent societies portrayed in this evocative story of human intrigue and ambition, desire and betrayal, commitment and infidelity.   Tamas is the link between the two divergent societies portrayed in this evocative story of human intrigue and ambition, desire and betrayal, commitment and infidelity. As he flees his homeland in Eastern Europe and arrives as a refugee in Canada, Tamas must battle with bureaucracy to set himself free from his past and ensure that his family can join him in his new life. He finds kindness and compassion too along the way as he struggles to learn a new language in an alien place and find the work that will be the key to his future success.  
Majorana Taking Stock

Majorana Taking Stock

Done taking stock. / Nothing to add. / Blank white wall.


Dedicated to Lawrence Ferlinghetti on the occasion of his acceptance and subsequent rejection of the 2012 Janus Pannonius Poetry Prize awarded by the Hungarian PEN Club.


Snap me up in your jaws and run off with me to join the shades of this world without souls. But if you try to devour me or plant a tree of fear inside me, I'll laugh at you.

The Fragrance of Love (A szerelem illata)

A sweeping wind soaking everything / And drying its time-bandages on my back. / I’m undecided between dream and reality.
The Golden Tram III.

The Golden Tram III. (Aranyvillamos harmadik szakasz)

our Lord / if you are indeed / an invention of ours / and we are / creations of yours
The Golden Tram II.

The Golden Tram II. (Aranyvillamos második szakasz)

Blue-bleached clouds are / grazing over the camp / servantwinds scrub / the night clean / time sits around

The Golden Tram (Aranyvillamos)

this snowfall smarts / I’m in it up to my neck / waiting for you / since this morning